Car Fees and Charges

What will you pay us for our services?

All premiums quoted will be the total cost which you will pay including Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) and our commission and fees, but excludes interest that will be applied if you pay by the instalment credit facility. Our commission, fees and charges are non-refundable.

The table shows the charges applicable at the time of issuing.

Type of Transaction

Service Charge

Arranging your policy


Policy Renewal


Changes or Amendments to policy


Cancellation within 14 days


Cancellation after 14 days



*In addition to the new policy, mid-term amendment and renewal arrangement fees, where your insurer pays us, or we set the commission at less than 25% an additional fee may be levied. The monetary amount of any such fee will be fully disclosed to you prior to purchasing/amending/renewing the policy. In the event that your policy is cancelled and there is a refund of premium or there is a refund following a mid-policy change, a pro-rata refund of this fee will be made.

Please refer to policy wording for details of the cancellation and other fees and charges your insurer may also apply.